What is Needed
- Canned Chicken
- Ramen Asian Noodles
- Beef or Chicken Soups
- Bean Soups
- Applesauce (both sweetened and unsweetened)
- Granola/Breakfast Bars
- Raisins and Dried Fruit
- Canned/Jar Fruit in Juice
- Bottled Water
- Canned Assorted Vegetables (corn, carrot, white potato, mixed veg, etc)
- Fruit Cups and Applesauce Cups
- Pasta Sauce (glass or plastic jars)
- Peanut Butter
- Beans in Sauce
- Coffee (Keurig and Ground Coffee – please no whole bean)
- Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder, Baking Soda
- White Rice, Brown Rice
- Canned Tuna
- Beef Stew
- Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Mustard
- Paper Towels, Toilet Paper
- Body Wash, Shampoo, Conditioner
- Cereal
- Boxed Potatoes (Scalloped, Au Gratin, Three Cheese, etc)
- White Rice and Brown Rice
- Canned Seafood (Salmon, Sardines, etc)
- 100% Fruit Juices
We do not accept expired items. Due to PA Department of Health regulations, we are not permitted to accept food prepared in a residential home.